
The blog

Here, I share my thoughts on just about anything I feel comfortable about. My writings are quite generic but I try to focus on questions about life, academia, mental health in the academic space, and occasionally, pressing political issues.

The academic life as we all know it is a lonely road and many struggle to journey through it comfortably. On this blog, I’ll share my experiences and provide advice on how to navigate it with as little spite as possible.

Additionally, I run an academic page on YouTube and a photography Instagram account, so I will share my work with you here. I hope you join me on this journey.

The writer

My name is James Azam. I’m a PhD candidate in Mathematics at the University of Stellenbosch, specialising in Epidemiological Modelling. I hold an undergraduate degree in Actuarial Science, a Structured MSc in Mathematical Sciences, and a Research MSc in Mathematics.

I’m everywhere on the internet so check out my contacts page and let’s connect. I promise I don’t bite.